Diesel SS 2014, NYC, Grand Central Station

The first night after I had arrived in NYC I went to the apple store in Grand Central Station to buy new headphones from beats. I walked through those amazing halls from this historic station and I was pretty overwhelmed as I had so far only seen it in the internet. When I heard that Diesel would hold their show in the station I was pretty excited already. As I am in love with braids and hair-ups, I was kind off in paradise today. A perfect location and a perfect hair-do by Guido Palau. BTW, did you saw the Flashmob in Grand Central Station.

Hair Team: Guido Palau
Grand Central Station


  1. Hayley
    11/11/2013 — 10:33 am

    Classic Braid…Love.

    • Sina
      11/11/2013 — 2:11 pm

      And it was so much fun to do.

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