Trendy haircolors for autumn / Garnier / Joy Magazine / Halloween
Even though this weekend it is all about Halloween hair- and make-up-looks, I decided to go with a post about trendy haircolors.
When I was walking through the streets of Manhattan the other day, inspired through all the autumn colors, I remembered a production with a red-head I did a few months ago in Munich.
The project was in cooperation with Garnier and the Joy Magazine. We produced four tutorials with the natural trendy hair colors: red, brown and blond.
These tutorials are great examples of which look do work with the individual haircolor: curls, beachwaves, glamourwaves and/or sleek.
Due to issues with 1&1 (my blog-platform-supplier) I couldn`t post since last saturday. Sorry for the delay, guys. x
Due to issues with 1&1 (my blog-platform-supplier) I couldn`t post since last saturday. Sorry for the delay, guys. x
Due to issues with 1&1 (my blog-platform-supplier) I couldn`t post since last saturday. Sorry for the delay, guys. x