Mark Bustos / Homeless Haircuts / Inspiring Sundays

If we all just did something for the poor the world would just be a better place.

The other day, when I was walking through the East Village on my way to get something out of my storage, there was a homeless person sitting with a little sign saying: “I need a miracle”. I wish you all a happy sunday with this fabulous project by Mark Bustos who cuts homeless people`s hair and creates up to my opinion “little miracles” with every haircut.

Even though I gave the guy on the street a few dollars, this is obviously not what he meant with “miracle”… It is more about the projects from Mark Bustos which make a difference.

We have this saying in german: “Kleider machen Leute”, which translates to “Clothes make people”. Why didn`t we say: “Haircuts make people”. The change is remarkable. Check out the fotos and you will see what I mean.

Via Huffington Post

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