Saint Laurent Homme / Paris / AW 2014

At Saint Laurent Homme I am always looking forward to “the folder”. Saint Laurent puts a lot of effort into its preparations even when it comes to their hair-styles.

Didier Malige cuts every boys hair individually before the show-day. Once the look and style is finallized they take a shot from the front and from the back. Those pics create the folder in the end.

When you style a boy on the show day, the folder gives you the exact reference how everyone has to look. This is an awesome way to work effectively backstage especially when everyone looks differently.

As a few boys still needed a few little changes I again could admire Didier’s cutting skills. God, I love his french cutting techniques.

The boy cuts and styles were so rock’n roll: they were inspired by Elvis Presley Annie Lennox when she had short hair. So a mix out of the 50’s and 80’s.

The security is fearce @YSL and as I lost my pass the guards thought that I had sneaked in… Jeeee, I was in trouble for a little while. Fortunately it got resolved quickly but better do not loose your backstage pass, it is not a pleasant experience.

Head of hair: Didier Malige

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