Freckles, beards, tattoos and so much more

First I came across his photos where he took portraits of people with all kind of freckles. After I visited his web-site I became a huge fan of his men-portraits where he mainly features men with expressive hair, like dreads and beards, but also tattoos.The website from the english photographer Brock Elbank is worth a visit.

Every time I come across a web-site which inspires me, I am so grateful for the internet.

Photographer Brock Elbank
Elbank’s Instagram


  1. 01/22/2016 — 10:50 am

    WOW! Was für wundervolle Arbeiten! Vielen lieben Dank für diesen tollen Beitrag! Kannte den Fotografen davor noch gar nicht, bin hin und weg! ♥♥♥

    Photography & Fashion Blog


    • Sina
      01/22/2016 — 1:01 pm

      Ja, ich finde ihn auch fantastisch. Danke für Dein liebes Feedback, liebe Christina.

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