Freckles, beards, tattoos and so much more
First I came across his photos where he took portraits of people with all kind of freckles. After I visited his web-site I became a huge fan of his men-portraits where he mainly features men with expressive hair, like dreads and beards, but also tattoos.The website from the english photographer Brock Elbank is worth a visit.
Every time I come across a web-site which inspires me, I am so grateful for the internet.
Photographer Brock Elbank
Elbank’s Instagram
WOW! Was für wundervolle Arbeiten! Vielen lieben Dank für diesen tollen Beitrag! Kannte den Fotografen davor noch gar nicht, bin hin und weg! ♥♥♥
Photography & Fashion Blog
Ja, ich finde ihn auch fantastisch. Danke für Dein liebes Feedback, liebe Christina.