What sucks about being a hair&make-up artist

Were you ever wondering if there was a “down-side” in the job as a hair&make-up artist?!

Yes there is: you always have to prioritize work… If a great job comes in, you have to rather cancel a planned holiday or wedding as you never know if the client will come back to you otherwise. You may get to that very established stage in your carer where you may be able to afford to say “no” to one or the other job, but I don’t really even know a single stylist who is a rockstar in our industry who turns down great job offers.

This post shares one of the very rare occasions that I could make it and join girlfriends to hang and have a few relaxing days together. We had a ball at a festival in Australia. The festival is called Splendour in the Grass in Byron Bay. The next one will be end of July and if you happen to be in Australia it is worth a visit.

As my friends from Sydney are traveling Europe right now and I can not join them due to work, I realize how precious moments with friends are the busier your life gets.

I love my friends and I hope they will keep staying by my side… I know it is not easy to deal with a freelancer as there is no such thing as routine or steadiness.

Splendour in the Grass
Cool addresses in Byron Bay

One comment

  1. Maria
    06/18/2015 — 8:09 am

    Es sieht nach sehr viel Spaß aus. Solche Momente sind wahnsinnig wichtig im Leben! <3

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